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An important factor for a modern client of instant messages is a sound alert of events. The Irssi program also supports this opportunity to manage events. It is possible to set up masks of events, as it is necessary. At the same time, this application does not support a notification using the reproduction of sound files, therefore, to implement this opportunity, it is necessary to use third-party plugins. But the program supports notifications using standard PC speaker.

Message levels (or in short, levels) are used almost everywhere. They describe what kind of messages we're dealing with. Here's a list of them all:

CRAP- Can be almost anything
MSGS- Private messages
PUBLIC- Public messages in channel
NOTICES- Notices
SNOTES- Server notices
CTCPS- CTCP messages
ACTIONS- Actions (/me) - usually ORed with PUBLIC or MSGS
JOINS- Someone joins a channel
PARTS- Someone parts a channel
QUITS- Someone quits IRC
KICKS- Someone gets kicked from channel
MODES- Channel mode is changed
TOPICS- Channel topic is changed
WALLOPS- Wallop is received
INVITES- Invite is received
NICKS- Someone changes nick
DCC- DCC related messages
DCCMSGS- DCC chat messages
CLIENTNOTICES- Irssi's notices
CLIENTERRORS- Irssi's error messages
CLIENTCRAP- Some other messages from Irssi

To place service files and resources, you need to create supplementary dirictories in the native folder of the Irssi application. Since the solution will require loading of executable scripts, that is, application is supposed to launch the software is downloaded from third-party sites, you need to give special attention to ensure the safe load of these files.

mkdir ~/.irssi/scripts
mkdir ~/.irssi/scripts/autorun
mkdir ~/.irssi/sounds

The program creates an event for notification of sound, which should be processed by a third-party application that is subscribed for this event. In solving this problem, the most popular solution is the case from the sound server. Distribution contains the necessary module for playing a sound file in an bell event.

pactl upload-sample ~/.irssi/sounds/bell.oga
pactl load-module module-x11-bell sample=bell

This option allows to enable or disable the sound signal at a time when the chat contains a symbol with the 0x07 code in ASCII encoding. This symbol has a mnemonics as BEL.

/set bell_beeps [ON|OFF]

If you need to set the application behavior at a time when the user has absent, then it's also possible to that option. Then the notification can be disable or be active.

/set beep_when_away [ON|OFF]

When the window is inactive, it's possible to turn off sound notifications in this state. For that problem purpose the Irssi application offers next setting. And accordingly is has two states.

/set beep_when_window_active [ON|OFF]

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Page last modified on September 28, 2024, at 05:22 PM